
2024   “Handfuls”, “The Lamps” in The Yale Review

2023   “Love Letter”, “Hand-Drawn Face” in Poetry Northwest

2023   “The Beauty Passes but the Beauty Remains” in FENCE

2023   “Travelogue” in Guesthouse Lit (reprint)

2022   “A Mirror” in Canthius    

2022    “Dream with Many Mounds of Grass” in Black Warrior Review (print)

2022    “The Past Still Needs Me” in The Atlantic

2022    “Everything Lies in All Directions” in The New Republic, featured on The Slowdown

2022    “Night Drive Through My Own Life” in Parentheses (print)

2022    “Lightning Field” (republished) in Ekphrastic Review

2022   “High Summer” in Vagabond City Lit

2022    “A Thousand Countries of Sleep”, “Dream of Sitting at a Desk” in Tinderbox Poetry

2021    “Heaven” in The Nation

2021    “Going” in American Poetry Review (print)

2021    “Waiting” in The Margins

2020    “Clock Hands”” in Guernica

2020    “Send Flowers”, “The World” in Adroit Journal

2020    “Two Skies” in Boston Mayor’s Poetry Project, reprinted in Lumiere Review

2019    “Green Hills” in Electric Lit

2019    “After Dark” in Poetry Daily, originally in Mid-American Review